Saturday, August 21, 2010

en Plein Air (official trailer)

en Plein Air (official trailer) from Wildman Pictures on Vimeo.

Filmed in the proposed Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, the documentary, 'en Plein Air', captures the experiences of artists during a 5 day trek through the mountains.

Plein Air art is known as landscape paintings that are physically created 'in the open air' rather than painted indoors based on a sketch or photo. This film delves into the personal interpretations of the Plein Air concept by water-color painters, an author and us as the creators of this documentary.

Complete film to be released Fall 2010.

'No Intention'
Dirty Projectors
Bitte Orca

This is a non-profit film and company created to educate.

1 comment:

Eve said...

I love the trailer; can't wait to see more!!